Tom('s) girl

every morning I am harassed by an absolutely adorable (and absolutely annoying) cat. He is my roommate's cat, but he won't admit it. These are his (and my) tales.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Mystique of Tom

Tom is a mysterious cat.
Even though he can be very expressive ("where's my food at B*tch?!" and "are you kidding me?? love for the second time today") it's difficult to say that we know him in entirety because we have no idea about his past. We don't know how old he is - possibly 5 as he was "2" when K got him 3 years ago - but there's no telling since the Animal shelter's records are not always that accurate... He seems to be 94 the way he sleeps alllllllll day... and he really can be a grouchy old man.
So many other things we don't know - has he lived with dogs? or other cats? does he have kids? did he ever have any significant lady friends? (I'm sure he did - he can be pretty handsome when he's not being a jerk).
I have figured out that he has gone to school and is currently taking a break before completing his PhD in the Art of Sleep (he did outstanding work in his Masters in the subject and I'm sure he would have published some great papers but one Mastering in the Art of Sleep is far too busy sleeping to publish).
As for him living with other animals - we've recently been able to witness it first hand.
We recently looked after some other pets - that's right other cute animals sharing Tom's tiny space - I can tell you he was NOT amused. The first was a Cute named Ginger who came for a few hours - she is a little (something) poo - a white brown tiny tiny puppy who just loves to play. She darts around the house and tries to chase your toes or hangs onto your slipper as you walk, but the minute you pick her up and set her down on your lap she's out like a light. We had a good nap together. And when K got home we brought Tom out of my room so he could find out what was going on.
Ginger is about a third of his size (I'm not even kidding) and Tom was terrified of her. He ran straight under K's bed and stayed put for the rest of the afternoon. We thought maybe it's that he's just afraid of the dog smell, and then K pointed out that maybe he doesn't realize how big he is - maybe Tom doesn't know his own size! which would explain his fear of a little runt and the fact that he likes to jump onto our bookshelves and doesn't seem to have any fear of pulling the entire shelf down on himself - it would seem that he is oblivious of his size (for those of you who don't know Tom is about 20 pounds and a looooooong cat).
whether it's that he does not know his size or that he needed some more time to get used to Ginger we can never be sure but later on that week we learned a lot more about Tom's interactions with other animals...stay tuned for the next installation of Tom Tales!



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