Tom('s) girl

every morning I am harassed by an absolutely adorable (and absolutely annoying) cat. He is my roommate's cat, but he won't admit it. These are his (and my) tales.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A long time coming

hallo readers
much has happened since my last entries. many exciting things have come to pass in Tom's life (and mine ofcoarse - for my life has become intricately woven with his...)
We have moved. We now live in a small apartment - me, K (his owner, aka - "I'm not his owner I just paid for him - you ask him who his owner is") and Tom (aka the boy). I think that Tom is seriously feeling the lack of playmates - not that he had many before - but now it's just us two and whoever comes to visit, he's really been showing the love.
I should have recounted the first few days while they were still fresh in my head - they were quite interesting. As many of you know, it generally takes cats about 2 weeks to adjust to new surroundings - granted it didn't take Tom that long - he was up to his usual mischief long before one week was over. But for the first 3 days (while the apartment was still covered with boxes and strange smells) he was so cute! He hid out under a chest of drawers for hours on end, and when he did surface to explore his tail was low to the ground and his entire posture said "don't shoot me! I'm invisible" and he came when we called!!!! That was the best part. I must admit, even though I felt bad for his discomfort I cherished the novelty - calling his name several times a day. He would meow pitifully and come to the sound of my voice (so cute).
as I mentioned before, soon enough he was up to his regular tricks. He jumped from the filing cabinet onto K's loft bed at 5am one morning, needless to say the large "BOOM" followed by heavy cat on her legs almost gave her a heart attack, not to mention a concussion (her bed is just below the ceiling). And his latest annoying thing to do to me is jump onto my bed while I'm napping and sniff my eyelashes - very strange (and annoying), or better yet - stick his nose under my door and meow loudly ("MEEEOOOOWWWWWWWW - it's 5:30 - time for you to let me in/ come and feed me/ give me love - MEEEEOOOOWWWWWWW"). hmmmm. gotta love the boy. ggrrrrrrrr....


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