Tom('s) girl

every morning I am harassed by an absolutely adorable (and absolutely annoying) cat. He is my roommate's cat, but he won't admit it. These are his (and my) tales.

Friday, April 11, 2008

does tom have low self esteem?

(out of the draft box)
started 3 June 07.

"always struggling for attention??"

that was the one line I wrote then supposing it would trigger an entire blog. Well, here goes.

Tom is a very out of the way, in the way cat. He likes to be the centre of attention but he loathes to be petted (except on his terms). (true story! Spart has said as much about him here)

Spart and I used to spend hours talking about Tom - hours!!! And I know he loved every minute of it - in fact, I wonder if the reason he is such a mammoth cat has less to do with food and more to do with love and admiration for he sure got his fair share of that. And Tom loves attention. A number of visitors have remarked on what a handsome boy he is (he hears and catalogues each compliment). But let any of those visitors try to pet him - for the most part - they receive a cold (warm furry) shoulder and Tom promptly hides under the table.

However, when spart and I had animal visitors, it became clear that Tom despised any attention given to other cutes in his house or in his presence. In fact - if we even talked about how cute Lilybell, or Rileyboy or Ashes is Tom would give us STINK EYE.

So, Tom's constant - subtle, yet none too subtle attempts to gain attention made me wonder if perhaps Tom has low self esteem. Unlike many other cats he is not always in your face (unless you haven't been home all day and he's hungry) but at the same time - he always craves compliments.

But perhaps I understand it in too human terms - perhaps "self esteem" is not a concept that can be applied to cats because one of the very descriptions of cats is that they are gods unto themselves. :) So I will not insult Tom any further by suggesting such things - instead I will compliment him: CUTE!! CUTE! CUTE!!!!!!

(heart, tulip)

(ps any tom lovers please add input)



  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger kjane said…

    I'll do my best to help Tulip. There was a good one this morning, actually...I'll blog about it. The short version is that he was attacking the polka dots on my bedspread...while I was still in bed.


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