Tom('s) girl

every morning I am harassed by an absolutely adorable (and absolutely annoying) cat. He is my roommate's cat, but he won't admit it. These are his (and my) tales.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lily is very appropriately named. The other day I bought myself some cala lilies - I needed flowers and I thought I would try something different. When I looked at one of the flower one morning I noticed the swooooooop that it has: the beautiful, delicate - strength of it; and I thought of little Lily who has such a careless swoooop about her.
When Lily and Reilly first appeared in the house Tom was perturbed to say the least. Loudly barking, overly friendly dogs are never welcome in a cats den and Reilly was no exception. But as soon the playful pup was safely tucked away in his house Tom went to inquire after the other visitor. He put on his best tie and went acourting - he meowed and sang some notes we've never heard him utter before or since but Lily was not impressed. For the entire time she simply hummed.... there really is no better way to describe it except maybe 'vibrated' - her displeasure. She sat just out of reach and did not looked impressed. I used the word 'vibrated' because the first time she started to do it we thought that someone's cell phone was vibrating! it was something that she continued to do only did when Tom was around and her little body emitted such a sound you could hear it across the room - even before you knew Tom was about Lily seemed to sense him.

After the initial Tom/ Lily meeting things went down hill. Lily's response of "Get away from me you Dirty Old Man" did not go over well with the boy. They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - I beg to add - nor a cat spurned. From that moment on it was as though Tom had called a 'Hit' on little Lily. Whenever we were not looking he would make a beeline for where ever she was at and attack. Lily is a quarter of Tom's size and probably a tenth of his weight -AND she has been de-clawed! lucky for her she is fast.... she would head straight under K's bed whenever Tom came around. and she would scream bloody murder on the way there. the first time that I heard it I thought that she was being killed for sure. if Rielly was nearby he would come to her defense - barking at Tom or running at him. And on such occasions K pulled out her special secret super weapon. .....
more on said weapon in next episode.


ps. pics taken from and


  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger kjane said…

    Oh my gosh I'm re-reading this for the first time in a long time, and you just about made me laugh out loud in an "absolute quiet" study area of the college!!!!!!!!!! I snuffed it through my nose, but then Pepsi went into my nose that made me cough. In all, a grotesque scene. Ah Tulip, how I miss thee.


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